Kyeongsik Ha, Young Keun Park, Taehwan Kim, Gyeong Yun Baek, Jong Bae Jeon, Do-sik Shim, Young Hoon Moon, Wookjin Lee하경식, 박영근, 김태환, 백경윤, 전종배, 심도식, 문영훈, 이욱진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(10):680-692. Published online 2020 Oct 5
This study aimed to investigate the wear performance of laser direct energy deposited Fe-8Cr3V-2Mo-2W alloy under various wear environments, in terms of different heat treatment conditions. Ball on disk tribology tests were performed using high-carbon steel and zirconia balls as counter materials. The wear rates of the alloy depended significantly.....