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Evaluation and Prediction of Mechanical Properties According to Welding Methods of Ni 825/A516-70N Clad Plates
Ni 825/A516-70N 클래드 판재의 용접 방법의 차이에 의한 기계적 특성 평가 및 예측
Cheolhong Hwang, Jeongseok Oh, Jini Park, Myungwoo Joe, Sunhwan Kim, Kyunghoon Yoo, Sungwoong Kim, Youngjoo Kim, Sangyeob Lee, Joonsik Park
황철홍, 오정석, 박지니, 조명우, 김선환, 유경훈, 김성웅, 김영주, 이상엽, 박준식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(11):844-856.   Published online 2024 Nov 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.11.844

In this study, the microstructures and mechanical properties of different methods of FCAW (Flux-cored arc welding) + FCAW or FCAW + GTAW (Gas tungsten arc welding) welding on Ni825/A516-70N clad plate were investigated, using a double U groove angle on a laboratory scale. The amount of specimen deformation with FCAW..... More

Effect of Strain Rate on Deformation Behaviors of Ti-12.1Mo -1Fe Metastable Beta Alloy
Ti-12.1Mo-1Fe 준안정 베타 합금의 변형 거동에 대한 변형률 속도의 영향
In Kyeong Jin, Dong-Geun Lee
진인경, 이동근
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(10):741-747.   Published online 2023 Sep 25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.10.741

The addition of expensive elements to β titanium alloys, which are widely used in the aerospace and automobile industries, causes their price to increase. Low-cost, high-strength alloy (Ti-12.1Mo-1.0Fe) was designed in this study and the compressive behaviors of this alloy were evaluated for application to automobile parts, etc. As a..... More

Effect of Grain Boundary Morphology on the High Temperature Tensile Properties of Developed Ni-Based Superalloy (LESS)
Ni기 초내열 개발 합금(LESS)의 고온 인장특성에 미치는 결정립계 형상의 영향
Yong Kwan Shin, Byung Il Kang, Jeong IL Youn, Yong Nam Kwon, Young Jig Kim
신용관, 강병일, 윤정일, 권용남, 김영직
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(12):940-949.   Published online 2022 Nov 25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.12.940

In order to investigate the mechanical properties of the developed wrought γ'-hardened Ni-based superalloy, LESS alloy (Low Eta Sigma Superalloy), and to understand the deformation behavior, tensile tests were carried out from room temperature to 800oC in comparison with IN 740H alloy. Like other superalloys, the tensile properties of the..... More

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Tensile and Compressive Deformation Behaviors of High-Strength Cu Bulk Material Manufactured by Cold Spray
저온 분사 공정으로 제조된 초고강도 Cu 벌크 소재의 인장 및 압축 변형 거동
Young-Kyun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(11):759-767.   Published online 2020 Oct 15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.11.759

In this study, high-strength pure Cu bulk material was manufactured using a cold spray additive manufacturing process, and its microstructure, tensile and compressive deformation behaviors were investigated and compared. The cold spray additive manufactured Cu bulk material showed a heterogeneous grain structure consisting of fine-grains and coarse-grains, and only α..... More

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