Hydrogen Induced Crack Propagation in Bainitic X70 Steel in Hydrogen Pressured Tensile Test
베이나이트계 X70강 수소가압분위기 인장시험의 수소취성균열 전파
Byung Hak Choe, Hyeon Su Jang, Bum Gyu Lee, Eui Soo Kim, Woo Sik Kim, Un Bong Baek, Sung Hoon Nam최병학, 장현수, 이범규, 김의수, 김우식, 백운봉, 남승훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(1):1-7. Published online 2018 Jan 1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.1.1
This study investigated hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) of X70 steel, used for gas pipeline material, with a bainitic microstructure. The effect of hydrogen on the steel was investigated by tensiletesting in a high pressure hydrogen atmosphere, using OM, SEM and TEM analyses. The mechanisms of hydrogen-related cracking were represented as..... More