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Property Evaluation of Tungsten-Carbide Hard Materials as a Function of Fe Contents
Fe 함량변화에 따른 텅스텐카바이드 초경소재의 특성평가
Ju-Hun Kim, Jeong-Han Lee, Junho Jang, Ik-Hyun Oh, Sung-Kil Hong, Hyun Kuk Park
김주훈, 이정한, 장준호, 오익현, 홍성길, 박현국
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(8):533-539.   Published online 2020 Jul 27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.8.533

In this study, consolidated WC-Fe compacts as a function of Fe contents were fabricated by a spark plasma sintering method, following the mixed by the ball-milled powder. Fe among the metallic binders was added to WC enhance not only the driving force of sintering process but also suppressing the grain..... More

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Property Evaluation of Binderless-WC Hard Materials as a Function of Sintering Temperature
소결온도 변화에 따른 Binderless-WC 소결체 특성평가
Hyun-Kuk Park, Jeong-Han Lee, Jun-Ho Jang, Ik-Hyun Oh
박현국, 이정한, 장준호, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(5):304-309.   Published online 2019 Apr 10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.5.304

In this study, Binderless-WC hard materials were fabricated using the pulsed current activated sintering (PCAS) process for a Friction Stir Welding tool and difficult-to-cut tool application. Tungsten carbide (WC) hard materials are used in various industries and possess a superior hardness compared to other hard materials. They have particularly high..... More

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Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of WC Alloy Hard Materials by a Pulsed Current Activated Sintering Method
펄스통전활성 소결법 적용 WC 합금 소결체 제조 및 기계적 특성 평가
Jeong-Han Lee, Hyun-Kuk Park, Jun-Ho Jang, Sung-Kil Hong, Ik-Hyun Oh
이정한, 박현국, 장준호, 홍성길, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(11):783-789.   Published online 2017 Oct 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.11.783

In this study, planetary ball milled WC-5 wt%Co powders were sintered using the pulsed current activated sintering (PCAS) process. With this process, fully densified hard materials were obtained in a shorter time than conventional processes such as a HP and HIP. The particle sizes of the planetary ball milled WC..... More

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Characteristics of Al Alloy Powders Prepared by Gas Atomized Method Using Pulsed Current Sintered-Body Process
가스분무법으로 제조된 Al 합금분말의 펄스통전 소결체의 특성평가
Hyun-Kuk Park, Jun-Ho Jang, Jung-Han Lee, Ik-Hyun Oh
박현국, 장준호, 이정한, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(10):703-709.   Published online 2017 Sep 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.10.703

In this study, Al alloy targets were fabricated using the powder metallurgy (pulsed current activated sintering, PCAS) process for metal PVD coating target applications. Powders were prepared from Al, Si and Cu ingots for sintering Al alloy compacts using the gas atomizing process. To fabricate the gas atomized Al alloy..... More

Synthesis of Cu-coated Graphite Powders Using a Chemical Reaction Process
화학반응법을 이용한 Cu-coated 복합분체 합성
Jun-Ho Jang, Hyun-Kuk Park, Jae-Won Lim, Ik-Hyun Oh
장준호, 박현국, 임재원, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):315-319.   Published online 2017 May 9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.5.315

In this paper, Cu-coated graphite powders for a low thermal expansion coefficient and a high thermal conductivity are fabricated using a chemical reaction process. The Cu particles adhere to the irregular graphite powders and they homogeneously disperse in the graphite matrix. Cu-coated graphite powders are coarser at approximately 3~4 ㎛..... More

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