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Effective Method for Preparing Low-Oxygen Titanium Ingot by Combined Powder Deoxidation and Vacuum Arc Melting Processes
Jung-Min Oh, Jaeyeol Yang, Jaesik Yoon, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(3):149-154.   Published online 2021 Feb 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.3.149

In this study, an effective method is demonstrated for fabricating titanium sputtering targets, which are used to fabricate thin films in the semiconductor industry. The method is an alternative to the existing electron beam melting (EBM) process under high vacuum. Titanium sputtering targets used in the production of semiconductors must..... More

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Effect of Ultrasonic Cleaning of Titanium Turning Scraps Immersed in Alkaline Solution and Subsequent Preparation of Ferrotitanium Ingots
Suhwan Yoo, Jikwang Chae, Jung-Min Oh, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. ;59(2):113-120.   Published online 2021 Jan 27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.2.113

Ti has excellent properties but is more expensive than other materials due to its high melting point, high reactivity and difficult processability. One way to lower the production cost of Ti products is to recycle Ti scraps. Before recycling Ti scraps, pretreatment to remove contamination is essential. Ti scraps can..... More

                   Web of Science 3  Crossref 3
Eco-Friendly Pretreatment of Titanium Turning Scraps and Subsequent Preparation of Ferro-Titanium Ingots
Jikwang Chae, Jung-Min Oh, Suhwan Yoo, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(9):569-574.   Published online 2019 Aug 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.9.569

In this study, an eco-friendly pretreatment process was developed to recycle titanium turning scraps and ferro-titanium ingots with low gaseous impurities were prepared using recycled titanium turning scraps. The amount of gaseous impurities of titanium scraps before removing the machining oils on the surface was as high as 20000 ppm...... More

                   Web of Science 6  Crossref 5
Efficacy of Acid Cleaning on the Deoxidation of Titanium Powder Using Calcium
Chon-Il Hong, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(3):205-209.   Published online 2018 Mar 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.3.205

The optimum acid cleaning conditions for removing CaO formed by the reaction of Ca with Ti powder were investigated in this study. In this experiment, we used Ti powders composed of irregular polygonal Ti particles with average sizes of 125 mm and 250 μm. Ca granules were charged at 50%..... More

Synthesis of Cu-coated Graphite Powders Using a Chemical Reaction Process
화학반응법을 이용한 Cu-coated 복합분체 합성
Jun-Ho Jang, Hyun-Kuk Park, Jae-Won Lim, Ik-Hyun Oh
장준호, 박현국, 임재원, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):315-319.   Published online 2017 May 9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.5.315

In this paper, Cu-coated graphite powders for a low thermal expansion coefficient and a high thermal conductivity are fabricated using a chemical reaction process. The Cu particles adhere to the irregular graphite powders and they homogeneously disperse in the graphite matrix. Cu-coated graphite powders are coarser at approximately 3~4 ㎛..... More

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