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Evaluation of Cooling Performance of an Additive Manufactured Gravity Die Casting Mold with Conformal Cooling Channel
적층제조 공정으로 구현된 형상 적응형 냉각채널 적용 다이캐스팅 금형의 냉각성능 평가
Yu Jin Park, Eok Soo Kim, Jeong Hun Lee, Ji Hwan Choi, Pil Hwan Yoon, Ho Jeong Kang, Dong Hyun Kim, Yong Ho Park, Jong Wan Ko
박유진, 김억수, 이정훈, 최지환, 윤필환, 강호정, 김동현, 박용호, 고종완
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):652-663.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.652

A cooling channel with an optimized design provides not only high throughput with gravity die casting, but also guarantees product quality. A conformal cooling channel (CC) whose structure follows the shapes or surfaces of the mold cavity has attracted great attention in the die casting industry, because it allows rapid..... More

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Effect of Rolling Temperature on the Microstructural Characteristics of High-Speed-Rolled Mg Alloy with Initial Non-Basal Texture
비기저면 집합조직을 가지는 마그네슘 합금의 고속압연 온도 변화에 따른 압연재 미세조직 변화
Su Jin Lee, Ye Jin Kim, Jeong Hun Lee, Sung Hyuk Park
이수진, 김예진, 이정훈, 박성혁
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(8):482-490.   Published online 2019 Jul 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.8.482

In this study, the effects of rolling temperature on the microstructural characteristics of a highspeed-rolled Mg alloy with a non-basal texture were investigated. To this end, commercial AZ31 alloy samples in which the basal poles of most grains were tilted at an angle of 45° from the normal direction (ND)..... More

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MoS2/CNFs derived from Electrospinning and Heat treatment as the Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Eovlution Reaction in Acidic Solution
전기 방사를 이용한 1D / 2D 하이브리드 구조 고활성 MoS2 / CNF 수소 발생 촉매의 합성 및 특성 분석
Jeong Hun Lee, Yoo Sei Park, Myeong Je Jang, Sung Min Park, Kyu Hwan Lee, Woo Sung Choi, Sung Mook Choi, Yang Do Kim
이정훈, 박유세, 장명제, 박성민, 이규환, 최우성, 최승목, 김양도
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(12):885-892.   Published online 2018 Dec 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.12.885

Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) based electrocatalysts have been proposed as substitutes for platinum group metal (PGM) based electrocatalyst to hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in water electrolysis. Here, we studied MoS2/CNFs hybrid catalyst prepared by electrospinning method with heat treatment for polymer electrolyte membrane(PEM) water electrolysis to improve the HER activity. The..... More

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