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Formation of Surface-Wrinkled Metal Nanosheets via Thermally Assisted Nanotransfer Printing
열보조 나노 전사 프린팅을 통한 금속 박막의 표면 주름 나노패턴 형성 방법
Tae Wan Park, Woon Ik Park
박태완, 박운익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(12):880-885.   Published online 2021 Nov 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.12.880

Nanopatterning methods for pattern formation of high-resolution nanostructures are essential for the fabrication of various electronic devices, including wearable displays, high-performance semiconductor devices, and smart biosensor systems. Among advanced nanopatterning methods, nanotransfer printing (nTP) has attracted considerable attention due to its process simplicity, low cost, and great pattern resolution. However,..... More

Pattern Transfer Printing by Controlling the Deposition Angle to Form Various Patterns
증착 각도 조절 기반 패턴전사프린팅을 통한 패턴 형상의 제어
Tae Wan Park, Woon Ik Park
박태완, 박운익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(2):145-150.   Published online 2020 Jan 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.2.145

The nanofabrication of modern electronic devices requires advanced nanopatterning technologies. To fabricate desirable nanodevices with excellent device performance, controlling the shape and dimension of the pattern is very important. However, to achieve more facile and faster device fabrication, with better pattern resolution, pattern-tunability, process simplicity, and cost-effectiveness, some remaining challenges..... More

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Effect of Surface Roughness on the Formation of Nano-to-Mirco Patterns Using Pattern Transfer Printing
나노-마이크로 패턴의 형성에 미치는 기판의 표면 거칠기 영향
Tae Wan Park, Myunghwan Byun, Hyunsung Jung, Woon Ik Park
박태완, 변명환, 정현성, 박운익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):26-31.   Published online 2019 Dec 12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.1.26

The ability to form high quality nano-/micro- patterns is very important for the nanofabrication of high-density electronic devices. However, remaining challenges have yet to be resolved, including low quality roughness, low pattern resolution, and the highly complex process. In this study, we suggest a novel and simple method for creating..... More

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Pattern Formation of Highly Ordered Sub-20 nm Pt Cross-Bar on Ni Thin Film
Ni 박막 위 20 nm급 고정렬 Pt 크로스-바 구조물의 형성 방법
Tae Wan Park, Hyunsung Jung, Young-Rae Cho, Jung Woo Lee, Woon Ik Park
박태완, 정현성, 조영래, 이정우, 박운익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(12):910-914.   Published online 2018 Dec 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.12.910

Since catalyst technology is one of the promising technologies to improve the working performance of next generation energy and electronic devices, many efforts have been made to develop various catalysts with high efficiency at a low cost. However, there are remaining challenges to be resolved in order to use the..... More

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