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The Effect of Al and V on Microstructure and Transformation of β Phase during Solution Treatments of Cast Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Seong-Tak Oh, Kee-Do Woo, Jae-Hwang Kim, Seung-Mi Kwak
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):150-155. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
In this study, the effect of α and β those stabilizers on the microstructure and phase transformation of cast Ti-6wt%Al-4wt%V alloy at various solution treatment temperatures was investigated. The dependence of the transformation behavior of the β phase during the solution treatment and its dependence was determined by the partitioning..... More
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Temperature Dependency of the Tensile Characteristics and Transition of Fracture Behaviors in a Novel Infiltrated TiC-SKD11 Composites
TiC-SKD11 함침 복합재의 온도에 따른 인장 특성과 파괴거동 변화
Nu-Ri Oh, Sang-Kwan Lee, Seung-Chan Cho, Il-Guk Jo, Keum-Cheol Hwang, Dae-Ha Kim, Young-Tae Cho, Dong-Woo Suh, Hyun-Uk Hong오누리, 이상관, 조승찬, 조일국, 황금철, 김대하, 조영태, 서동우, 홍현욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):156-164. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
A composite having 60 vol% of TiC particles was successfully fabricated by the infiltration of molten SKD11 tool steel into a TiC preform. The density of this composite was achieved to be 25% lighter than conventional steels. The penetration of the liquid metal reached geometrically complex regions without any interfacial..... More
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Influence of Nickel Thickness and Annealing Time on the Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic Compounds Formed between Cu-Sn Solder and Substrate
Cu-Sn계 솔더와 기판 사이의 Ni층의 두께와 열처리 시간에 따른 금속간화합물의 기계적 특성
Yiseul Kim, Jeehye Kwon, Dayoung Yoo, Sungkyu Park, Dajeong Lee, Dongyun Lee김이슬, 권지혜, 유다영, 박성규, 이다정, 이동윤
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):165-172. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
Intermetallic compounds (IMCs) developed on the interface between a solder alloy and its bonding pads are an important factor in the failure of electronic circuits. In this study, the mechanical behaviors of the IMCs formed in the Cu-Ni-Sn ternary alloy system are investigated. Presumably, Ni can act as a diffusion..... More
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Reaction Behavior of High-purity Mullite Container with Melted Solar Salts
천일염 열처리에 사용된 고순도 뮬라이트 용기에 대한 반응거동 고찰
Yeong-Ju Bae, Suk-In Jeong, Nam-Il Kim, Kyung-Sik Ham, Sang-Jin Lee배영주, 정숙인, 김남일, 함경식, 이상진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):173-178. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
High-purity and good sinterable mullite powder (3Al 2O 3・2SiO 2) was synthesized by a sol-gel process to prepare a high-purity mullite crucible. The densified mullite crucible was fabricated by slip casting with the powder followed by sintering at 1600 ℃. Solar salt was put into the mullite crucible and then fired at the..... More
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Effect of Graphene Addition on Mechanical Properties of TiN
그래핀 첨가가 TiN 기계적 성질에 미치는 영향
In-Jin Shon, Jin-Kook Yoon, Kyung-Tae Hong손인진, 윤진국, 홍경태
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):179-183. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
Despite of many attractive properties of TiN, the current concern about the TiN focuses on its low fracture toughness below the ductile-brittle transition temperature. To improve its mechanical properties, the approach generally utilized has been the addition of a second phase to form composites and to make nanostructured materials. In..... More
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Compacted and Sintered Microstructure Depending on Uranium Powder Size in Zr-U Metallic Fuel
우라늄 분말 입자크기에 따른 Zr-U 금속연료의 성형 및 소결 미세조직의 영향
Chang Gun Yun, Hyun-Joon Jun, Jung Hwan Ju, Ho Jin Lee, Chong-Tak Lee, Hyung Lae Kim윤창근, 전현준, 주정환, 이호진, 이종탁, 김형래
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):184-190. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
In case of the uranium (U) and zirconium (Zr) powders which have been utilized for the production of a metallic fuel in the various nuclear applications, the homogenous distribution of U powders in the Zr-U pellet has influenced significantly on the nuclear fuel performance. The inhomogeneity in a powder process..... More
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Effects of Nitrogen Content on the HAZ Softening of Ti-Containing High Strength Steels Manufactured by Accelerated Cooling
Ti 첨가 가속냉각형 고장력강의 용접열영향부 연화에 미치는 질소함량의 영향
Kook-soo Bang, Ho-shin Jung, Chan Park방국수, 정호신, 박찬
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):191-197. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
The effects of nitrogen content on the HAZ softening of Ti-containing high strength steels manufactured by accelerating cooling were investigated and interpreted in terms of the microstructures in the softening zone. Regardless of their content, all of the steels investigated showed a softened zone 9-10 mm wide. The minimum hardness..... More
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Study of Novel EUV Absorber:Nickel & Nickel Oxide
새로운 EUV 흡수체 연구:니켈 & 니켈 산화물
Dong Gon Woo, Jung Hwan Kim, Jung Sik Kim, Seongchul Hong, Jinho Ahn우동곤, 김정환, 김정식, 홍성철, 안진호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):198-201. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
The shadowing effect is one of the most urgent issues yet to be solved in high-volume manufacturing using extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL). Many studies have been conducted to mitigate the unexpected results caused by shadowing effects. The simplest way to mitigate the shadowing effect is to reduce the thickness of... More
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Simulation and Experimental Study on the Steady Conduction Solution for Continuous Rheo-Casting for A356 Alloy
Do Minh Duc, Nguyen Hong Hai, Pham Quang
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):202-208. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
Computational fluid dynamic modeling of a continuous rheo-casting technology was conducted, consistent with the manufacturing of 3 mm-thin plates made of aluminum alloy A356. The A numerical simulation on of the stabilizing time of the material crystallization was carried out using the ANSYS FLUENT code. Solidification and melting models were..... More
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Enhancement of the Opto-Electrical Properties of Ag Intermediate ZTO Films by Vacuum Annealing
Hyun-Joo Moon, Daeil Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):209-212. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI:
Sn-doped ZnO (ZTO)/Ag/ZTO tri-layer films were deposited on glass substrates by radio frequency (RF) and direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering and then vacuum annealed at 100, 200 and 300 ℃ for 30 min with a proportions of H 2/N 2 gas flow of 6/6 sccm, to investigate the effects of annealing temperature..... More