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479 |
Effects of Short Range Ordering on Aging Phenomenon in Zr-2.5%Nb Pressure Tube Material
단 범위 규칙 반응이 Zr-2.5%Nb 압력관 재료의 시효(aging) 현상에 미치는 영향
Sung Soo Kim, Young Suk Kim, Jong Yeob Jung김성수, 김영석, 정종엽
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):479-489. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of aging treatment from 300 °C to 420 °C on the mechanical properties of the pressure tube material at 310 °C, which is outlet temperature pressure tube in CANDU reactor. The short range ordering (SRO) phenomenon during aging process is confirmed by..... More
490 |
Influence of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties for Cold Worked 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel
냉간압연 된 304 오스테나이트 스테인리스강의 열처리에 의한 기계적 특성 평가
Minha Park, Kwangyoon Kim, Jaeho Jang, Hyoung Chan Kim, Hyoung-Seok Moon, Jong Bae Jeon, Dae-Geun Nam, Keun Yong Sohn, Byung Jun Kim박민하, 김광윤, 장재호, 김형찬, 문형석, 전종배, 남대근, 손근용, 김병준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):490-498. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
Austenitic stainless steels are widely used in a variety of industries, such as power plants, aerospace, automotive, construction and electronics, due to their excellent mechanical properties including ductility, toughness and corrosion resistance. For application in various industries, many parts and products require plastic processes such as cold rolling, cold forging..... More
499 |
Effects of Si on the Characteristics of FCA Multi-Layer Weld Metal with 460 MPa Yield Strength Grade Steels for Ships and Marine Structures
선박 및 해양구조물용 항복강도 460 MPa급 강재의 FCA 다층 용접금속부 특성에 미치는 규소의 영향
Jong-Sig Kim, Myeong-Soo Lee, Jong-Min Jung, Han-Geul Choi, Sang-Hoon Jeong, Chang-Yong Kang김종식, 이명수, 정종민, 최한글, 정상훈, 강창룡
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):499-504. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
This study investigated the effect of Si on the characteristics of FCA multi-layer weld metal with 460 MPa yield strength grade steels for ships and marine structures. The effect on microstructure was evaluated by tensile, charpy impact and CTOD testing of 4 FCAW welds containing various C and Si contents...... More
505 |
Effects of Direct Current on the Wetting between Molten Al and a Graphite Substrate
In-Jin Shon
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):505-510. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
Graphite fiber attracted much attention in the area of aluminum based composite due to its low density and high strength. However, one of the major drawbacks in fabricating graphite reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) is that aluminum generally does not wet graphite. Therefore, it is difficult to impregnate the graphite..... More
511 |
Leaching of Silver (Ag) from Electronic Scrap by Thiourea
전자스크랩으로부터 티오요소에 의한 은(Ag) 침출
Hong-Il So, Joo-eun Lee, Yeon-Chul Cho, Jae-Woo Ahn, Ho-Jin Ryu소홍일, 이주은, 조연철, 안재우, 류호진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):511-517. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
The leaching behavior of silver from electronic scrap using acidic thiourea solution was studied. The results showed that the silver leaching percentage was affected by the concentration of thiourea and hydrochloric acid, the oxidant such as ferric ions, solid-liquid ratio, temperature, rpm, etc. The leaching percentage of silver decreased with..... More
518 |
Effect of Gelatin and Chloride Ions on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evolution of Copper Foil
젤라틴 및 염소이온 첨가에 의한 구리 박막의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 고찰
Tae-Gyu Woo, Man-Hyung Lee, Kyeong-Won Seol우태규, 이만형, 설경원
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):518-523. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
This study investigated the crystal structure and mechanical properties of copper foil electroplated by adjusting gelatin and chloride ions from 0 to 100 ppm. There was increased formation of spherical crystals and surface roughness on the surface of the electroplated layer when the gelatin was added, and the direction of..... More
524 |
Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg-Graphene Composites
Myoung Youp Song, Young Jun Kwak, Eunho Choi
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):524-531. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
To improve the hydrogen uptake and release properties of magnesium (Mg), five weight percent of graphene was added to pre-milled Mg by milling in hydrogen (reaction-involving milling). The hydrogen uptake and release properties of the graphene-added Mg (named Mg-5graphene) were investigated. Premilling of Mg (for 24 h) and then adding..... More
532 |
Thermoelectric Properties of Cu1.98Se Prepared by Melt-spinning Process
용융방사법으로 제작된 Cu1.98Se의 열전특성
Jang-Yeul Tak, Young Soo Lim탁장렬, 임영수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):532-537. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
Cu 2Se exhibits very low thermal conductivity and the origin is known to be the "liquid-like"
behavior of Cu ions around the sub-lattice of Se. Due to its very high ZT, research interest in the thermoelectric properties of this material has been increasing rapidly. However, most studies have used a conventional melting..... More
538 |
Effect of Interface Control Using Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on the Thermoelectric Properties of TiO2 Nanocomposites
다중벽 탄소나노튜브를 이용한 계면제어가 TiO2 나노복합체의 열전특성에 미치는 영향
Woo Hyun Nam, Young Soo Lim남우현, 임영수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):538-543. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
We report the effect of interface control using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) on
thermoelectric properties of TiO 2. By consolidating TiO 2 nanoparticles with MWCNT (0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 wt%) using spark plasma sintering, we prepared interface-controlled TiO 2-MWCNT nanocomposites, where TiO 2 grains were surrounded with a MWCNT network. Simultaneous control of..... More
544 |
Charge Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of N-type Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey:Im Prepared by Encapsulated Melting and Hot Pressing
Woo-Jin Jung, Hyeok-Jin Kim, Il-Ho Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(7):544-550. Published online 2018 Jul 5 DOI:
Iodine-doped n-type Bi 2-xSb xTe 3-ySe y:I m (x = 0.1–0.2, y = 0.15–0.6, and m = 0.0025–0.005) quaternary solid solutions were prepared by encapsulated melting (EM) and hot pressing (HP). The lattice constants of the resulting materials decreased with increasing Sb and Se contents, whereas the amount of I dopant was too small to..... More