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Study on the Effect of the Thiourea on Nano-Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of the Electroformed Thin Ni-P Foil
Moo Young Jung, Chang Su Nam, Byung-Sik Lee, Yong Choi
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):1-6. Published online 2020 Jan 1 DOI:
The effect of thiourea on the nano-mechanical and chemical properties of Ni-P foil was studied to develop a high performance Ni-P deposit for automobile and machinery parts. The Ni-P deposit was prepared by electroforming in a modified sulphate bath with different amounts of thiourea. Chemical analysis of the electrodeposited Ni-P..... More
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Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Capacity of 7003 Aluminum Alloy
7003 알루미늄 합금의 기계적 성질 및 에너지 흡수능에 미치는 열처리 조건의 영향
Hee-Ju Kim, Jeki Jung, Su-Hyeon Kim, Cha-Yong Lim, Yoon Suk Choi김희주, 정제기, 김수현, 임차용, 최윤석
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):7-16. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
The effects of heat treatment conditions on the mechanical properties and energy absorption capacity of 7003 (Al-6Zn-0.6Mg) aluminum alloy were studied. The extruded material was heat treated at various temperatures to prepare annealed or aged specimens. Tensile tests, hardness measurements, electron backscatter diffraction characterizations, and differential scanning calorimeter analyses were..... More
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Corrosion Behavior of SiC and Si3N4 by Alkali Gas
알칼리 가스에 의한 SiC 및 Si3N4의 침식 거동
Ju-Hun Kim, Kang-Min Kim, Ji-A Lee, Jeong-il Kim, Jeong-Whan Han김주훈, 김강민, 이지아, 김정일, 한정환
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):17-25. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
Studies of effective furnace cooling technology and refractory materials have extended the lifetime of a blast furnace to more than 15 years. On the other hand, the replacement of refractories in the blast furnace results in considerable cost and time loss for stopping the blast furnace operation. Various kinds of..... More
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Effect of Surface Roughness on the Formation of Nano-to-Mirco Patterns Using Pattern Transfer Printing
나노-마이크로 패턴의 형성에 미치는 기판의 표면 거칠기 영향
Tae Wan Park, Myunghwan Byun, Hyunsung Jung, Woon Ik Park박태완, 변명환, 정현성, 박운익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):26-31. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
The ability to form high quality nano-/micro- patterns is very important for the nanofabrication of high-density electronic devices. However, remaining challenges have yet to be resolved, including low quality roughness, low pattern resolution, and the highly complex process. In this study, we suggest a novel and simple method for creating..... More
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Study on the Selective Surface Modification of Injection Mold Steels by Laser Materials Processing: Relationship Between AlN Formation and Surface Hardening During Laser Nitriding
레이저 가공 기반 사출 금형강의 선택적 표면 개질 연구: 레이저 나이트라이딩에 따른 AlN 형성 및 경화 거동
Eun-Joon Chun, Changkyoo Park, Wonah Park천은준, 박창규, 박원아
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):32-40. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
Laser surface heat treatment and laser nitriding processes were applied using selective surface modification techniques to investigate phase transformation, microstructural evolution, and surface hardening behaviors for two types of plastic injection mold steels, AISI 1045 and P21. During laser surface heat treatment, a 245% hardness increase compared to that of..... More
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Changes in Electrical Properties of Copper-Plated Layer by Organic Additives on High Current Density
고전류밀도에서 유기첨가제에 의한 구리 전착층의 전기적 특성 변화
Tae-Gyu Woo, Il-Song Park우태규, 박일송
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):41-48. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
Electroplating has many economic advantages in producing copper foils. The easiest way to manufacture electroplated copper foil with various properties is to add appropriate additives. This study evaluated the surface properties, mechanical and electrical properties of copper foil electroplated in electrolytes containing the leveler JGB (Janus Green B). When the..... More
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Synthesis and Characterization of the Cu0.72Co2.28O4 Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in an Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer
음이온 교환막 수전해에 사용되는 Cu0.72Co2.28O4 산소 발생 촉매의 합성 및 특성 분석
Sung Min Park, Myeong Je Jang, Yoo Sei Park, Jooyoung Lee, Jae-yeop Jeong, Jaehoon Jung, Min-Kwan Choi, Yu-Seong Noh, Min-Ho Seo, Hyung Ju Kim, Juchan Yang, Yang Do Kim, Sung Mook Choi박성민, 장명제, 박유세, 이주영, 정재엽, 정재훈, 최민관, 노유성, 서민호, 김형주, 양주찬, 김양도, 최승목
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):49-58. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
In this study, we investigated the morphological, crystal structural, electronic structural, and electrocatalytic properties of the inverse spinel structured copper cobalt oxide (Cu 0.72Co 2.28O 4) catalysts. The materials were prepared by coprecipitation using various copper and cobalt precursors, and subsequent oxidation treatment. Electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Brunauer Emmett..... More
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Properties of Double Electron Transport Layered Perovskite Solar Cells with Different ZrO2 Layer Thickness
이중 전자전달층 페로브스카이트 태양전지의 ZrO2층 두께에 따른 물성 연구
Hyeryeong Lee, Kwangbae Kim, Ohsung Song이혜령, 김광배, 송오성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):59-66. Published online 2019 Dec 12 DOI:
The photovoltaic properties of TiO 2/ZrO 2 double electron transport layered perovskite solar cells were investigated based on the ZrO 2 layer thickness. Samples were fabricated with a glass/FTO/TiO 2/ZrO 2/ perovskite structure. The TiO2/ZrO 2 layer thickness ratio was confirmed to be 264/0, 228/168, 228/204, 270/242, and 282/288 nm, respectively, using an electron probe microanalyzer...... More
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Size Dependency of a ZnO Nanorod-Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerator
Evaluated by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
전도식 원자현미경을 이용한 ZnO 나노로드 기반 압전 나노발전기의 사이즈 의존성 평가
Yijun Yang, Kwanlae Kim양이준, 김관래
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):67-75. Published online 2020 Jan 1 DOI:
ZnO nanorods are one of the most studied materials because it can be facilely grown on a wide range of substrates at low temperature. ZnO exhibits piezoelectricity as well as semiconducting properties, and hence is applicable to piezoelectric nanogenerators and sensors. In the present work, the effect of ZnO nanorods’..... More