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357 |
Correlation between the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of W-Bearing Ti-6Al-4V Alloys
Godwin Kwame Ahiale, In-Seok Kye, Young Sam Kwon, Yong-Jun Oh
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):357-364. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
W-containing Ti-6Al-4V alloys (W=0, 1, and 5 wt%) were fabricated by the powder injection molding process, and the corresponding effects of tungsten content on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the alloys were investigated. The alloy powders were sintered at 1200 °C and then hot-isostatically-pressed at 900 °C. The fabricated..... More
365 |
Effect of Tailored Microstructures in CaO-Added AZ31 Extrusion Material on Tensile, High Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation Properties
CaO 첨가 AZ31 압출재의 개량된 미세조직이 인장, 고주기 피로 및 피로 균열 전파 특성에 미치는 영향
Young-Kyun Kim, Min-Jong Kim, Yu-Jin Hwang, Shae. K. Kim, Hyun-Kyu Lim, Kee-Ahn Lee김영균, 김민종, 황유진, 김세광, 임현규, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):365-373. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
The effect of tailored microstructures in 0.5 wt% CaO added AZ31 on tensile, high-cycle fatigue, and fatigue crack growth properties was examined. By adding CaO, the average grain size (AGS) was significantly reduced from 4.25±2.32 μm (conventional AZ31) to 2.42±1.60 μm (CaO-AZ31). The fineprecipitates of CaO-AZ31 were more evenly distributed..... More
374 |
Corrosion Behaviors of Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Joints in the As-Welded and Post Weld Heat Treated States
슈퍼 오스테나이트계 스테인리스강 (UNS S31254)의 용접 및 용접 후 열처리 상태에서의 부식거동
Dong min Cho, Jin-seong Park, Won Ki Jeong, Seung Gab Hong, Sung Jin Kim조동민, 박진성, 정원기, 홍승갑, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):374-383. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
The corrosion behaviors of a combined weld (plasma, gas tungsten arc) joint in a super austenitic stainless steel pipe were investigated using a range of experimental and analytical methods. To ensure superior corrosion resistance, a Ni-based super alloy (Inconel 625) was employed as the welding material only in the gas..... More
384 |
Fabrication of WC-Graphene-Al Composites by Rapid Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties
급속소결에 의한 WC-Graphene-Al 복합재료 제조 및 기계적 성질
In-Jin Shon손인진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):384-391. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
Tungsten carbides are very attractive because of their superior properties, e.g., high thermal and electrical conductivities, high melting point, high hardness, and relatively high chemical stability. Tungsten carbides with a binder metal, for example Ni or Co, are mainly used to fabricate nozzles, molds and cutting tools in the composite..... More
392 |
Investigation of Electrowinning of Mg from MgO Using a Liquid Metal Cathode in MgF2-CaF2-NaF or MgF2-LiF Molten Salt
MgF2-CaF2-NaF 및 MgF2-LiF 용융염에서 액체금속 음극을 이용한 산화마그네슘의 신전해법 개발
Tae-Hyuk Lee, HyungKyu Park, Jin-Young Lee, Young Min Kim, Jungshin Kang이태혁, 박형규, 이진영, 김영민, 강정신
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):392-403. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
A novel magnesium (Mg) production process utilizing an electrolytic method was investigated for the direct reduction of magnesium oxide (MgO). Electrolysis of MgO was carried out with an applied voltage of 3.0 V using a copper (Cu), silver (Ag), or tin (Sn) cathode and carbon (C) or platinum (Pt) anode..... More
404 |
Effects of JGB Additives on the Microstructures and Electrical Properties of Electroplated Copper Foil
JGB 첨가제에 의한 동박의 미세구조변화와 전기적 특성
Tae-Gyu Woo, Il-Song Park우태규, 박일송
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):404-411. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
Extremely thin film high quality copper foil is required to ensure high performance in electronics and slimness in secondary batteries. During the electroplating of copper foil, Janus Green B(JGB) and Collagen were introduced as additives to the electrolytes to study their effects. The structural and electrical properties of the electroplated..... More
412 |
A Comparative Study of BaTiO3/PDMS Composite Film and a PVDF Nanofiber Mat for Application to Flexible Pressure Sensors
Donghyuck Park, Kwanlae Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):412-421. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
Intensive research has been conducted to develop flexible piezoelectric pressure sensors, since selfpowering devices are advantageous for wearable electronic applications. Recently, two types of piezoelectric devices, ceramic-PDMS composite film and PVDF nanofiber mats, have drawn attention in the research community. Piezoelectric ceramics such as BaTiO 3 (BTO) and PZT exhibit outstanding..... More
422 |
Effects of Ge Doping on the Charge Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of Permingeatites Cu3Sb1−yGeySe4
Ji-Hee Pi, Go-Eun Lee,, Il-Ho Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):422-429. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
Permingeatites Cu 3Sb 1−yGe ySe 4 (0 ≤ y ≤ 0.14) were synthesized by mechanical alloying and hot pressing. The charge-transport parameters (Hall coefficient, carrier concentration, mobility, and Lorenz number) and thermoelectric properties (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, power factor, thermal conductivity, and figure of merit) were examined with respect to the Ge doping level...... More
430 |
Mid-Layer Visualization in Convolutional Neural Network for Microstructural Images of Cast Irons
주철 미세조직 분석을 위한 합성곱 신경망에서의 중간층 시각화
Hyun-Ji Lee, In-Kyu Hwang, Sang-Jun Jeong, In-Sung Cho, Hee-Soo Kim이현지, 황인규, 정상준, 조인성, 김희수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):430-438. Published online 2021 May 26 DOI:
We attempted to classify the microstructural images of spheroidal graphite cast iron and grey cast iron using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The CNN comprised four combinations of convolution and pooling layers followed by two fully-connected layers. Numerous microscopic images of each cast iron were prepared to train and..... More