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Investigation of Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of A356 Alloy with Cu and Zr Addition during Heat Treatment
Cu 및 Zr 첨가 A356 합금의 열처리 조건에 따른 상 변화와 기계적 특성 분석
Tae-Ung Song, Ja-Uk Koo, Seung-Byeong Jeon, Chang-Yeol Jeong송태웅, 구자욱, 전승병, 정창열
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):311-323. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
Cast A356(Al-Si-Mg) alloys are widely used in automotive and general applications because of their mechanical properties and castability. Al-Si-Mg-(Cu) alloys typically lose their strength above 170 o C due to coarsening of precipitates, which limits their application to components. To maintain their strength at elevated temperature, Al-Si-Mg-(Cu) alloys are modified..... More
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Synthesis and Rapid Sintering of Ultra Fine TiB2-ZrO2 Composite
초미립 TiB2-ZrO2 복합재료 합성 및 고속 소결
In-Jin Shon손인진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):324-329. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
TiB 2 is considered candidate materials for ultra-high temperature ceramics and cutting tools because of its a high thermal conductivity, a low coefficient of thermal expansion, a high hardness and high melting temperature. Despite these attractive properties, TiB2 applications are limited because it has a low fracture toughness below the brittle-ductile..... More
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Effect of added TiO2 on the mechanical properties of sintered Al2O3 insulator
Ri Joo Kim, Han Gyeol Jeong, Ye Ji Son, So Yeon Si, Sung-Soo Ryu, Sang Ki Ko, Hyun Seon Hong
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):330-337. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
The effect of TiO 2 additive concentration and sintering temperatures on the densification of alumina (Al 2O 3 ) ceramics were investigated. Densified alumina specimens were prepared by uniaxial pressing at a pressure of 60 MPa followed by isothermal heating at either 1400, 1500, or 1600 o C for 2 h. The relative..... More
338 |
High Temperature Deformation and Microstructural Evolution of Homogenized AA 2026 Alloy
균질화 AA 2026 합금의 고온 변형과 미세 구조 변화
HyeonWoo Kang, SooBin Kim, ByoungLok Jang, HeeKook Kim강현우, 김수빈, 장병록, 김희국
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):338-346. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
AA 2026 is an improved version of AA 2024, an alloy with added Zr to reduce Fe and Si content and inhibit recrystallization during hot working. Al 2026 alloy has high strength and high damage resistance, so it is widely used in aircraft parts. In this study, in order to..... More
347 |
Effect of Potassium Carbonate Additives on the Properties of Copper Foils Electroplated at High Current Density
고전류밀도에서의 탄산칼륨 첨가제의 전해동박 특성에 미치는 영향
Tae-Gyu Woo, Il-Song Park우태규, 박일송
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):347-354. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
The amount and kind of additives in electrolytes play a very important role on the electroplating of Cu foil, which is used as a cathode materials for secondary batteries. As the use of Cu foil increased, various studies on the electroplated Cu foil are urgently needed. We studied surface characteristics..... More
355 |
Effects of Sn and In Double-Doping on the Thermoelectric Performance of Cu3Sb1-x-ySnxInyS4 Famatinites
Sang Yun, Il-Ho Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):355-362. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
Famatinite (Cu 3SbS 4 ) is a promising p-type thermoelectric material because of its low lattice thermal conductivity and high Seebeck coefficient. In this study, famatinite powders, double-doped with Sn (a B IV group element) and In (a B III group element) to give Cu 3Sb 1-x-ySn xIn yS 4 (0.02 ≤ x ≤ 0.12 and 0.06 ≤..... More
363 |
Bytizite Cu3SbSe3: Solid-State Synthesis and Thermoelectric Performance
Go-Eun Lee, Il-Ho Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):363-370. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
Bytizite (Cu 3SbSe 3 ) has attracted interest as a promising thermoelectric material because of its ultralow thermal conductivity; however, there are few experimental studies. This study investigated the optimal processing conditions for the synthesis of Cu 3SbSe 3 using mechanical alloying (MA) and hot pressing (HP). The MA powder exhibited an orthorhombic Cu 3SbSe 3..... More
371 |
A Study on the Dynamics of Compound Materials on Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Effects of Droplet’s Size and Shape
초소수성 표면 위 다중물질의 동역학 연구: 액적 크기 및 형상의 영향
Jaeung Kim, Sungchan Yun김재웅, 윤성찬
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):371-378. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
Compound materials have two or more unmixable parts that retain a shared surface with one another for engineering purposes. Such compound materials, like the Janus or core–shell configurations, create opportunities for relevant applications because they offer diverse combinations of complex impinging materials and complex surfaces. However, previous studies have only..... More
379 |
Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Grain Size from Colored Microstructure
기계학습을 이용한 색상형 미세조직의 결정립 크기 측정
Jun-Ho Jung, Hee-Soo Kim정준호, 김희수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(5):379-387. Published online 2023 Apr 20 DOI:
We constructed a convolutional neural network to estimate average grain size from microstructure images. In the previous study from our research group, the network was trained using GB-type images in which the grain matrix and grain boundary were represented in white and black, respectively. The model well estimated the same..... More