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689 |
Cleavage Dicing Mechanics in Silicon Wafers
실리콘 웨이퍼의 그리비지 다이싱 역학
Seong-Min Lee, Yeon-Wook Kim이성민, 김연욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):689-694. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
This article details how effectively dicing damage of silicon wafers can be mechanically minimized by appropriate laser-induced groove formation prior to wafer separation. Various laser dicing factors, such as the laser-control power, the scan rate and the scan number of the laser beam, were estimated to determine the optimum groove..... More
695 |
Studies on the Microstructure-Controlled Zn Interlayer for Improving the Adhesion Strength of the Zn/Zn-Mg Double Layer Coating
Zn/Zn-Mg 이중 층 박막의 밀착력 향상을 위한 Zn interlayer 미세구조 제어에 관한 연구
Seung-Hwan Lee, Hoe-Kun Kim, Myeon-Kyu Song, Jung-Wan Kim, Sang-Yul Lee이승환, 김회근, 송면규, 김정완, 이상율
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):695-700. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
In this study, the microstructure-controlled Zn interlayers were synthesized to improve the adhesion strength of Zn/Zn-Mg double layer coatings. The coating chamber temperature and working pressure were controlled based on the Structure Zone Model principles, to obtain a dense columnar microstructure in the Zn interlayer. By controlling the coating chamber..... More
701 |
Mechanical Properties and Fabrication of a Nanostructured Nb-Al2O3 Composite by High Frequency Induction Heating
고주파 유도 가열에 의한 나노구조의 Nb-Al2O3 복합재료 제조와 기계적 성질
Seong-Eun Kim, Se-Hoon Oh, In-Jin Shon김성은, 오세훈, 손인진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):701-707. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
Al 2O 3 has a high Young’s modulus (380 GPa), a low density (3.98 g· cm -3), good high-temperature mechanical properties, biocompatibility and excellent oxidation resistance. Al 2O 3 has been used for automotive, aerospace, bio-materials and various industrial applications. Despite its various merits, the low fracture toughness of the material below the brittle-ductile transition..... More
708 |
Mechanical Performance and Microstructure of Resistance Element Welds of Dissimilar Metals Created with a Headless Rivet
Young Hyun Oh, Hyun Jung Ryu, Taejung Kim, Minsu Choi, Taeseon Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):708-714. Published online 2019 Oct 8 DOI:
Resistance Element Welding (REW) is a novel processing technology developed to join dissimilar materials such as aluminum and steel. It uses an auxiliary steel rivet (element) inserted into an aluminum sheet that forms a resistance spot weld with the steel sheet, and the aluminum work piece is mechanically joined by..... More
715 |
Study on the Effect of the Localized Electrode Degradation on Weldability During an Electrode Life Test in Resistance Spot Welding of Ultra-High Strength Steel
초고강도강 저항 점용접 연속타점시 전극의 국부적 합금화 현상이 용접품질 저하에 미치는 영향 연구
Jae-Won Kim, Siva Prasad Murugan, Nam Hyun Kang, Yeong-Do Park김재원, Siva Prasad Murugan, 강남현, 박영도
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):715-725. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
Evaluation of electrode degradation in resistance spot welding of 1180TRIP steel was carried out through an electrode life test, and weldability testing was performed by the measurement of the nugget size, the peak load analysis and the measurement of the electrode tip size at 30 intervals. Analysis of the change..... More
726 |
Recovery of Cadmium in Nickel-Cadmium Leaching Solution by Sulfide Precipitation Method
폐니켈-카드뮴 침출용액으로부터 황화물 침전법을 이용한 카드뮴 회수에 대한 연구
Il-Jeong Park, Dae-Weon Kim, Min-Jun Kim, Hang-Chul Jeong박일정, 김대원, 김민준, 정항철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):726-731. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
A large amount of waste nickel-cadmium batteries are being produced, and various studies have been conducted to recover the valuable metals contained in the batteries. Solvent extraction is mainly used to recover nickel and cadmium, but that method has economic and environmental problems. In this study, to solve these problems,..... More
732 |
Low-Temperature H2S Sensors Based on Si-Coated SnO2 Nanowires
Myung Sik Choi, Ali Mirzaei, Jae Hoon Bang, Han Gil Na, Changhyun Jin, Wansik Oum, Seungmin Han, Sang Sub Kim, Hyoun Woo Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):732-740. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
To attain high life standards, it is important to develop high-performance non-toxic gas sensors for public safety, environmental pollutant control, industrial processes, etc. Because reports on single element semiconductor-coated semiconducting metal oxides for sensing applications are rare, we synthesized SnO 2 nanowires and coated them with a 5 nm-thick or 10..... More
741 |
Microwave Absorbing Properties of Carbonyl Iron Particle Composites with Frequency Selective Surface
주파수 선택 표면이 부착된 카보닐 철 분말 복합재의 전파흡수특성
Han-Shin Cho, Sung-Soo Kim조한신, 김성수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):741-746. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
With the increased use of diverse electronics in the high frequency spectrum, high-performance absorbing and shielding materials are needed to ensure electromagnetic compatibility. Microwave absorbance of polymer composites of carbonyl iron powders with frequency selective surface (FSS) is investigated, focusing on the frequency of 5.8 GHz. Composite sheets were prepared..... More
747 |
Investigation of Structure-Property Relations in Porous Metals Using Finite Element Simulation
유한요소해석을 활용한 다공 금속의 구조-물성 관계 연구
Dongmyung Jung, Yongwoo Kwon정동명, 권용우
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(11):747-754. Published online 2019 Nov 5 DOI:
A porous material can be regarded as a mixture of pores and solid phases, with effective thermal and mechanical properties that significantly differ from those of its base material. Material effective properties depend greatly on the structure and porosity. The effective properties of materials with different pore structures can vary..... More