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Effect of Stress Magnitude on the Tensile Properties of Damaged Damping Alloy Under Fatigue Stress
피로손상된 제진합금의 인장성질에 미치는 피로응력 크기의 영향
Myong-Soo Lee, Kwon-Hoo Kim, Chang-Yong Kang이명수, 김권후, 강창룡
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):71-76. Published online 2019 Jan 8 DOI:
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of fatigue stress magnitude on the tensile properties of the damaged Fe – 22Mn – 12Cr – 3Ni – 2Si – 4Co damping alloy under various fatigue stress magnitudes. α´ and ε-martensite were formed by fatigue stress in the Fe –..... More
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Corrosion Resistance and Adhesion of Paint Coating Film on Zn-Mg-Al Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Sheets
아연-마그네슘-알루미늄 합금도금강판의 도장 내식성 및 밀착성
Jae-Won Lee, Bora Park, Sung Jin Kim이재원, 박보라, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):77-83. Published online 2019 Jan 9 DOI:
Zn-Al-Mg alloy galvanized steel sheets have excellent corrosion resistance and improved cut-edge corrosion resistance. Most of the galvanized steel sheets used for outdoor applications are coated again on the galvanizing layer, or after a plastic film is laminated. As the corrosion products formed by the corrosion of Zn accumulate over..... More
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Influence of the Thickness of TiO2/TiO2-x Layers on the Behavior of a Memristor Device
TiO2/TiO2-x 박막층의 두께가 멤리스터 소자의 특성에 미치는 영향
Han-Sang Kim, Sung-Jin Kim김한상, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):84-90. Published online 2019 Feb 5 DOI:
Memristors have been extensively investigated as the fourth fundamental circuit element. Titanium oxide is a common material used to fabricate memristors. In this paper, we investigated the influence of the thickness of the oxide active layer on the Al/TiO2-x/TiO2/heavily doped electrode memristor architecture. An insulating TiO2 thin-film was deposited using..... More
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Optimization of ZnO/Ag/ZnO Transparent Conductive Electrodes Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering
스퍼터링법으로 증착된 ZnO/Ag/ZnO 투명전극의 성능 최적화 연구
Woo Hyeon Jo, Dooho Choi조우현, 최두호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):91-96. Published online 2019 Jan 11 DOI:
The critical role of the thicknesses of the top and bottom oxide layers, as well as Ag layer, in ZnO/Ag/ZnO transparent conductive electrodes were investigated. The Ag forms a nearly continuous layer at the thickness of 8 nm, at which the Ag sheet resistance of 8.0 Ω/Sq. is lower than..... More
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Numerical Investigation of the Self-Propagation of Intermetallic Reaction Waves in Nanoscale Aluminum/Nickel Reactive Multilayer Foils
Kyoungjin Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):97-107. Published online 2019 Jan 8 DOI:
Among several candidates for nanoenergetic materials and systems, nanoscale reactive multilayer foils (NRMF) or bimetallic nano-laminates are highly promising candidates. They provide the highly desirable pyrotechnical properties of high energy density and reaction sensitivity as well as flexible tunability. They could be useful in various fields of explosive and propellant..... More
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Effects of Added Cr and Ni on the Resistance of α-Iron Surface to Cl2 Gas Corrosion
크롬과 니켈 첨가가 α-Fe 표면의 염소 가스 부식 특성에 미치는 영향
Jiwoong Kim, MyungJae Kim, Chang Yul Seo, Jungho Ryu, Taegong Ryu, Hye-Jin Hong, Yong Jae Suh김지웅, 김명재, 서창열, 류정호, 류태공, 홍혜진, 서용재
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):108-114. Published online 2019 Feb 5 DOI:
As energy generation by recycling biomass has become increasingly attractive, research on biomass recycling has focused on improving operational efficiency. To develop a new material composition for the inner wall of a biomass boiler, we investigated the effect of Cr and Ni addition on the resistance of the α-iron (100)..... More
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Pressure Transmission in the Compaction Process of Nickel Powder Using the Finite Element Methods
Jong Won Baek, Seong Jin Park
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):115-123. Published online 2019 Jan 9 DOI:
The compression process is one of the more widely used industrial manufacturing methods for fabricating desired shape of specimens with various materials such as metals and ceramics. In the compaction process, the upper punch moves into the powder, and force is transmitted between particles, then achieving densification. In this process,..... More
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Investigation of the Mechanical/Thermal Properties of Nano-Scale Silicon Nitride Membranes
나노스케일 질화규소 멤브레인의 기계적, 열적 특성 분석
Yong Ju Jang, Hyeon-Jin Shin, Seong Ju Wi, Ha Neul Kim, Gi Sung Lee, Jinho Ahn장용주, 신현진, 위성주, 김하늘, 이기성, 안진호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(2):124-129. Published online 2019 Jan 9 DOI:
In micro/nano electro-mechanical system, silicon nitride (SiNx) membrane has been widely used in sensors, energy harvesting and optical filters because of its mechanical/chemical stability. However, it is necessary to verify mechanical and thermal properties of nanoscale SiNx membranes to ensure the desirable reliability and durability of a device because the..... More