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Table of Contents | December, 2023  Vol. 61   No.12 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Research Papers
883 Effects of Cr additions on Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Behaviors in the Weld Heat-Affected Zone of Hadfield Steel in Brine Environments
염수환경 내 해드필드강 용접열영향부의 부식 및 침식-부식 거동에 미치는 Cr 첨가의 영향
Seung Woo Jin, Jin Sung Park, Duck Bin Yun, Sang Chul Lee, Jong Kyo Choi, Min-Suk Oh, Sung Jin Kim
진승우, 박진성, 윤덕빈, 이상철, 최종교, 오민석, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):883-895.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.883

The corrosion and erosion-corrosion behaviors in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) of Hadfield steels with varying Cr contents (1, 2, and 3 wt%) were examined. Various experimental methods, including electrochemical polarization, impedance, and weight loss measurements, were utilized. Two types of isothermal heat treatments were conducted in a box furnace..... More

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896 Effects of Minor Alloying Elements (Cr and Mo) on the Corrosion Behaviors of API Grade Steel in CO2-Saturated Brine Environments
API 강재에 첨가된 미량의 합금원소(Cr, Mo)가 CO2 포화염수 환경 내 부식거동에 미치는 영향
Duck Bin Yun, Hye Rin Bang, Wan Keun Kim, Sung Jin Kim
윤덕빈, 방혜린, 김완근, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):896-908.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.896

This study examined the effects of minor alloying elements (Cr and Mo) on the corrosion behaviors of API grade steel in CO2-saturated near-neutral aqueous solutions. Various experimental and analytical methods were applied to gain insights into the underlying CO2 corrosion mechanism of the steels. The findings revealed that steel with..... More

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909 Study on Ag-Ti Thin Film Structure with Compositional Gradient Fabricated by Sputtering Process
Sputtering공정 적용 Ag-Ti 조성경사형 박막의 구조분석
Yong Min Jeon, Si Hong Ryu, Min Jun Kim, Seong Eui Lee
전용민, 유시홍, 김민준, 이성의
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):909-914.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.909

In this study, a composition-gradient thin film was applied for the formation of intermediate layer of Ti seed layer for an stable electrode stack Ag metal layer. Various composition of Ag-Ti hetero metal layer were simultaneously deposited by using the sputtering process with Ti and Ag target, respectively. An intermediate..... More

915 Estimation of the Highest Thermoelectric Performance of the Bi-Doped SnTe at Room Temperature
Bi 도핑에 따른 SnTe의 상온 최대 열전성능지수 예측
Joonha Lee, Hyunjin Park, Jeong-Yeon Kim, Won-Seon Seo, Heesun Yang, Umut Aydemir, Se Yun Kim, Weon Ho Shin, Hyun-Sik Kim
이준하, 박현진, 김정연, 서원선, 양희선, Umut Aydemir, 김세윤, 신원호, 김현식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):915-922.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.915

SnTe has drawn much attention due to its Pb-free composition along with tunable electronic and lattice structures. However, its intrinsically high defect concentration and high lattice thermal conductivity (κ1) have hindered its application in devices. Recently, Bi doping at Sn-sites in Sn1-xBixTe (x = 0.0 – 0.08) has been demonstrated..... More

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923 Alleviating Mn3+ Dissolution in ZnMn2O4 Cathode for the Extended Cyclability via Particle Size Increase
Zn-ion 배터리용 ZnMn2O4 양극재의 입자 크기 증가를 통한 Mn3+ 용출 완화로 수명 증가
Jae Young Park, Young Mook Choi, Sang-Eun Chun
박재영, 최영묵, 전상은
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):923-932.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.923

ZnMn2O4 (ZMO) cathode possesses a high theoretical capacity of 224 mAh g-1 and high operating voltage (1.9 V vs. Zn2+/Zn) for aqueous Zn–ion batteries. However, the disproportionation reaction of Mn3+ leads to Mn dissolution in the ZMO cathode, deteriorating lifespan. In this study, we attempted to reduce Mn dissolution by..... More

933 Tensile and Fatigue Properties of WC-20 wt%Co Cemented Carbides under Microstructural Variations
WC-20wt%Co 초경 합금의 미세 조직 변화에 따른 인장 및 피로 성질
Gue Serb Cho, Kyung Il Kim, Wooram Noh
조규섭, 김경일, 노우람
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):933-942.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.933

WC-Co cemented carbide has excellent mechanical properties and is widely used in many industrial applications including cold forging dies and cutting tools. The tensile and fatigue properties of WC-20wt%Co cemented carbides with microstructural variations were investigated. Microstructure parameters such as Co binder content, WC particle size, binder mean free path,..... More

943 Effect of Corrosive Environment on Friction Characteristics of Brake Friction Materials
브레이크 마찰재의 마찰특성에 미치는 부식 환경의 영향
Hee-sup Shin, Yool-koo Kim, Sang-mok Lee
신희섭, 김율구, 이상목
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):943-950.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.943

The friction properties of brake friction materials are investigated utilizing the different car cleaners. Water, wheel cleaner and tire dressing were used to designate driving conditions in the field. The friction materials were soaked in each solution before friction test. The Coefficient of friction (COF) was similar in the case..... More

951 Effect of High Temperature Oxidation on Surface Pit and Recrystallization of Directionally Solidified CM247LC Superalloy in Creep Gauge
일방향 응고 CM247LC 초내열합금 크리프 시편 게이지에서 고온 산화가 표면 피트 및 재결정 형성에 미치는 영향
Byung Hak Choe, Kwang Soo Choi, Sung Hee Han, Dae Hyun Kim, Jong Kee Ahn, Dong Su Kang, Seong-Moon Seo
최병학, 최광수, 한성희, 김대현, 안종기, 강동수, 서성문
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):951-957.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.951

This study analyzed a recrystallization phenomenon that occurred simultaneously with hightemperature oxidation on the surface of a directionally solidified CM247LC creep specimen, using optical and scanning electron microscopy. After heat treatment, the surface of the specimen subjected to the creep test at 982oC was oxidized by exposure to high temperature..... More

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958 Diagnosis of Mechanoluminescent Crack Based on Double Deep Learning in Al 7075
이중 인공지능을 이용한 Al 7075 합금에서의 압광 균열 진단 연구
Tae O Park, Youn Woo Shin, Seung Hwan Lee, Pius Jwa, Yong Nam Kwon, Suman Timilsina, Seong Min Jang, Chul Woo Jo, Ji Sik Kim
박태오, 신윤우, 이승환, 좌비오, 권용남, Suman Timilsina, 장성민, 조철우, 김지식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):958-964.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.958

The phenomenon of mechanoluminescence (ML) refers to the emission of light induced by mechanical stimulation applied to mechano-optical materials for example SrAl2O3:Eu,Dy (SAO). Numerous technologies on the basis of ML have been presented to visualize the stress or strain in various structures for the applications including structural health monitoring. As..... More

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