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633 |
Effect of Cr addition on the Corrosion-Wear Behaviors of 18Mn(V, Mo) Steel in a Seawater Environment
해양구조용 18Mn(V, Mo)강 내 Cr 첨가가 해수환경 내 부식-마모 복합거동에 미치는 영향
Duck Bin Yun, Jin Sung Park, Sang Cheol Lee, Jong Kyo Choi, Sung Jin Kim윤덕빈, 박진성, 이상철, 최종교, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):633-641. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
The objective of this study was to examine the wear-corrosion behavior of 18Mn(V, Mo) steel, which had a minor amount of Cr addition (< 3 wt%), in an artificial seawater environment, and compare it to conventional carbon steel. A variety of electrochemical experiments, including linear polarization resistance, impedance spectroscopy, and..... More
642 |
Research on Thermal Properties and High Temperature Exposure Behavior of Non-Skid Coating Fabricated by Twin Wire Arc Spraying
Twin wire arc spray 용사코팅 공정을 통해 제작된 미끄럼 방지 코팅의 열적 특성 및 고온노출 거동 연구
Hansol Kwon, Youngjin Park, Uk Hee Nam, Eungsun Byon권한솔, 박영진, 남욱희, 변응선
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):642-651. Published online 2023 May 14 DOI:
Conventional non-skid coatings for marine construction contain polymeric materials. These materials are generally susceptible to high temperature environments because of their low thermal conductivity and thermal resistance. A metal-based non-skid coating has great potential for high temperature applications, yet, there has only been limited research. In this study, twin wire..... More
652 |
Effects of Stacking Number on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Cold Roll Bonding Process of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy Sheets
Seong-Hee Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):652-658. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
A cold roll-bonding (CRB) process is applied to study the effects of stacking number on the microstructure and mechanical properties of roll-bonded and age-treated Al sheets. Commercial AA1050 and AA6061 sheets with a thickness of 2 mm were stacked alternately on each other to two and four layers, and roll-bonded..... More
659 |
A Study on the Relationship between Microstructure and Impact Toughness with Different Heat Inputs and Post-Seam Annealing Temperatures in API X70 Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe
항복강도 70 ksi급 전기저항용접 강관의 입열량 및 심 어닐링 온도에 따른 미세조직과 저온충격인성 상관관계 고찰
Tae-Hun Kim, Chiwon Kim, Chan-Hee Lee, Jinseop Kwack, Donghyeon Jeon, Hyun-Uk Hong김태훈, 김치원, 이찬희, 곽진섭, 전동현, 홍현욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):659-668. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
In this study, the influence of heat input and post-seam annealing (PSA) temperature on the microstructure and impact toughness of electric resistance welded (ERWed) API X70 steel pipe was investigated. The ERW seam welds of pipes were fabricated with low, moderate, and high heat inputs, and followed by the PSA..... More
669 |
The Effects of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 9% Ni Steel Weld Joint with Fe-Based Filler Material
Fe계 합금 용가재가 적용된 9% Ni강 용접 조인트의 미세조직과 기계적 특성에 미치는 용접 후 열처리의 영향
Kwangsu Choi, Hyo Yun Jung최광수, 정효연
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):669-678. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
A Fe-based filler material with the composition of Fe-20Ni-5Co-2.5Mn-0.2C was used for welding 9% Ni steel, and the effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welded joints was investigated. Post-weld heat treatment of the welded joint was performed in the temperature range of 200..... More
679 |
A Review of Recent Research Trends of Forming of Metallic Bondlines Using Core-Shell Particles and Bonding Properties According to Particle Type
코어-쉘 입자를 사용한 금속 접합부 형성의 최근 연구 동향과 입자 종류에 따른 접합 특성 리뷰
Byeong Jo Han, Yeongjung Kim, Jong-Hyun Lee한병조, 김영중, 이종현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):679-693. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
With the increasing numbers of electric vehicles and the prevalence of high heat generating devices, recent studies have attempted to address the limitations of conventional solder materials, including their low durability at temperatures exceeding 200 ℃, insufficient mechanical properties in a joint, and low thermal conductivity. Transient liquid-phase (TLP) partial..... More
694 |
Development of Wet Chemical Analysis Technique for Tramp Elements (M = As, Pb, Sb, and Sn) in Silver-M Alloys
Won-Bum Park, Yong-Woo Kim, Sun-Joong Kim, Youn-Bae Kang
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):694-703. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
Wet chemical analysis techniques for four elements (M = As, Pb, Sb, and Sn) in Ag – M binary alloys were investigated with emphasis on the choice of solvent acid and the characteristic wavelength used in the ICP-AES (Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer) analysis. The elements are representative tramp elements..... More
704 |
Properties and Lightfastness of Natural and Artificial Azurite Used As Painting Pigment
채색안료로 사용되는 천연 및 합성 Azurite의 특성 및 안정성 연구
Ju-Hyun Park, Myoung-Nam Kim, Se-Rin Park, Sun-Myung Lee박주현, 김명남, 박세린, 이선명
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):704-713. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
Azurite is an inorganic pigment commonly used in traditional painting arts and even today. This pigment has two types: natural azurite and synthetic artificial azurite, called blue verditer or blue bice. Because they have the same structure and similar appearance they are difficult to distinguish. The purpose of this study..... More
714 |
Effect of Oxygen Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
산소함량에 따른 Ti-6Al-4V 적층제조 조형체의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 변화
Tae Jin Kang, P. L Narayana, Seong Woo Choi, Jae Hyuk Kim, Jae-Keun Hong, Taekyung Lee강태진, P.L. Narayana, 최성우, 김재혁, 홍재근, 이태경
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(9):714-720. Published online 2023 Aug 30 DOI:
Titanium alloys are used in many fields including military, aerospace, and biomedical because of their excellent specific strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. Recently, much research has been focused on addressing the disadvantages of conventional manufacturing methods, including reducing material and energy waste when manufacturing titanium alloy parts by additive manufacturing..... More