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A Simple Solid-State Direct Bonding Process for Fabrication of Ohmic Contacts on n-type Mg3Sb2-xBix-based Thermoelectric Materials
n형 Mg3Sb2-xBix 열전소재의 오믹접합층 형성을 위한 고상접합기술
Sung-Jae Joo, JeongIn Jang, Ji-Hee Son, JongHo Park, Kim Kim, Bok-Ki Min
주성재, 장정인, 손지희, 박종호, 김봉서, 민복기
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2025;63(1):60-67.   Published online 2025 Jan 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2025.63.1.60

N-type Mg3Sb2-xBix materials are expected to replace n-type bismuth telluride because they are more abundant in the Earth's crust and lower in cost. However, the metallization process of this material, which is essential to develop modules, has been relatively under-researched. According to the literature, one-step sintering process based on powder..... More

Analysis of Thermoelectric Properties of Hot-deformed Bismuth Telluride Sintered Materials
소성변형을 거친 비스무스 텔루라이드 소결체의 열전특성 분석
Sung-Jae Joo, Ji-Hee Son, JeongIn Jang, Bok-Ki Min, Bong-Seo Kim, JongGan Hong, Dae-Keun Lee, Hyungmo Kim
주성재, 손지희, 장정인, 민복기, 김봉서, 홍종간, 이대근, 김형모
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(10):796-802.   Published online 2024 Oct 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.10.796

Bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3)-based alloys are widely used for thermoelectric cooling and power generation at low temperatures, and they are the only commercially available materials for thermoelectric applications below 500 K. The rhombohedral unit cell with a large c/a lattice constant ratio consisting of - Te-Bi-Te-Bi-Te- stacked layers inevitably brings about..... More

Optimization of Sintering Temperature for the Synthesis of n-type Mg3SbBi0.99Te0.01 Thermoelectric Materials
소결온도 최적화에 의한 Mg3SbBi0.99Te0.01 n형 소재의 열전특성 향상
Sung-Jae Joo, Ji-Hee Son, JeongIn Jang, Bong-Seo Kim, Bok-Ki Min
주성재, 손지희, 장정인, 김봉서, 민복기
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(10):785-792.   Published online 2023 Sep 25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.10.785

Mg3Sb2-based materials are promising candidates to replace n-type Bi2Te3 for cooling and power generation at low temperatures. Generally, the thermoelectric performance of a material is sensitively affected by synthesis process parameters, and among them, sintering temperature (Ts) is a critical one. In this study, n-type Mg3SbBi0.99Te0.01 polycrystalline samples were fabricated..... More

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Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of La-doped n-type Mg3SbBi Materials
La 도핑된 n형 Mg3SbBi 열전소재의 합성 및 열전특성
Sung-Jae Joo, Ji-Hee Son, JeongIn Jang, Bok-Ki Min, Bong-Seo Kim
주성재, 손지희, 장정인, 민복기, 김봉서
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(6):437-443.   Published online 2023 May 18
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.6.437

Mg3Sb2-based materials are very promising for thermoelectric applications at low temperatures, and are strong candidates to replace n-type Bi2Te3 for cooling and power generation. Substituting Sb atoms with chalcogen elements (S, Se, Te) is a typical method of n-type doping, while doping the Mg site with Group 3 elements (Y,..... More

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Effects of V Alloying on Thermoelectric Properties of NbFeSb Half-Heusler Materials Codoped with Ti, Zr, and Sn
Sung-Jae Joo, JeongIn Jang, Ji-Hee Son, Bong-Seo Kim, Bok-Ki Min
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):858-864.   Published online 2022 Oct 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.11.858

NbFeSb-based alloys are promising p-type half-Heusler materials with excellent thermoelectric performance, thermal stability, and naturally abundant constituent elements. Alloying and doping are powerful techniques for enhancing the thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler materials. This study experimentally investigated the effects of V alloying in NbFeSb codoped with Ti, Zr, and Sn. As..... More

Thermoelectric Properties of Ta-doped Zr0.6-xTi0.4TaxNiSn n-type Half-Heusler Materials
Ta 도핑된 Zr0.6-xTi0.4TaxNiSn n형 하프-호이슬러 소재의 열전특성
Sung-Jae Joo, Ji-Hee Son, JeongIn Jang, Bok-Ki Min, Bong-Seo Kim
주성재, 손지희, 장정인, 민복기, 김봉서
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(3):213-219.   Published online 2022 Feb 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.3.213

Half-Heusler (HH) thermoelectric materials are promising for mid- to high-temperature applications, and MNiSn (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) is a representative n-type HH alloy. In general, the M sites are mixed with isoelectronic elements Ti, Zr, and Hf, to lower the lattice thermal conductivity, and the Sn sites are doped..... More

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Synthesis of Nb0.8Hf0.2FeSb0.98Sn0.02 and Hf0.25Zr0.25Ti0.5NiSn0.98Sb0.02 Half-Heusler Materials and Fabrication of Thermoelectric Generators
Sung-Jae Joo, Ji-Hee Son, JeongIn Jang, Bong-Seo Kim, Bok-Ki Min
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(12):904-910.   Published online 2021 Nov 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.12.904

In this study, half-Heusler (HH) thermoelectric materials Nb0.8Hf0.2FeSb0.98Sn0.02 (p-type) and Hf0.25Zr0.25Ti0.5NiSn0.98Sb0.02 (n-type) were synthesized using induction melting and spark plasma sintering. For alloying, a conventional induction melting technique was employed rather than arc melting, for mass production compatibility, and the thermoelectric properties of the materials were analyzed. The maximum dimensionless..... More

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