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Korean Journal of Metals and Materials > Volume 55(1); 2017 > Article
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials 2017;55(1): 72-76. doi: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.1.72
Structural Analysis of Three-Component Nanoparticles of Sn-58Bi and Cu Wires Prepared by Pulsed Wire Discharge
Jong Hwan Kim1, Dae Sung Kim1, Hisayuki Suematsu2, Kenta Tanaka2, Bong Ki Ryu1
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan 46241, Republic of Korea
2Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute, Nagaoka University of Technology, Niigata 940-2188, Japan
Correspondence  Bong Ki Ryu ,Tel: +82-51-510-2384, Email: bkryu@pusan.ac.kr
Received: 4 May 2016;  Accepted: 12 July 2016.  Published online: 5 January 2017.
We used Sn-58Bi and Cu wires to investigate the effects of variable conditions (such as pressure and wire diameter) on the formation of three-component nanoparticles. In the synthesis of the three-component nanoparticles, pulsed wire discharge was used to sublimate the wires. In this system, the K factor is described as Ec/Es, where Ec and Es are respectively the applied energy and the sublimation energy of the system. Experiments were conducted in a N2 atmosphere using the following parameters: voltage of 6 kV, pressure of 50–100 kPa, and Cu wire diameters of 0.1 and 0.2 mm. X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscopy were employed for structural analysis, particle size distribution analysis, collection rate, and composition studies of the nanoparticles.
Keywords: alloy wire, nanopowder, pulsed wire discharge
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