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Effects of Electron Irradiation on the Properties of ZnO/Au/ZnO Films Deposited on Poly-Imide Substrates
Jin-Kyu Jang, Yun-Je Park, Yeon-Hak Lee, Jae-Wook Choi, Hyun-Jin Kim, Sung-Bo Heo, Young-Min Kong, Daeil Kim
장진규, 박윤제, 이연학, 최재욱, 김현진, 허성보, 공영민, 김대일
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(9):668-672.   Published online 2022 Aug 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.9.668

Transparent and conductive ZnO 50 nm/Au 8 nm/ZnO 50 nm tri-layer films were deposited on poly-imide films by radio frequency (RF) and direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering at room temperature, and then the effect of electron irradiation on the crystallization, electrical resistivity and optical properties of the films was considered..... More

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Dependency of Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy and Lateral Force Microscopy Signals on Scan Parameters for Zinc Oxide Nanorods
Yijun Yang, Kwanlae Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(2):149-159.   Published online 2022 Jan 12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.2.149

Conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) is one of the most commonly used characterization techniques for piezoelectric one-dimensional nanomaterials. However, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of certain scan parameters on the C-AFM signals remains elusive. In the present work, the dependency of C-AFM signals on the normal force, scan speed,..... More

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Enhanced Optical and Electrical Properties of Ti Doped In<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> thin Films Treated by Post-deposition Electron Beam Irradiation
Su-Hyeon Choe, Yun-Je Park, Yu-Sung Kim, Byung-Chul Cha, Sung-Bo Heo, Sungook Yoon, Young-Min Kong, Daeil Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(11):793-797.   Published online 2020 Oct 15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.11.793

Transparent and conductive Ti doped In2O3 (TIO) films were prepared on slide glass substrate using a radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputter and then subjected to Transparent and conductive Ti doped In2O3 (TIO) films were prepared on a glass slide substrate using radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputter. The film surface was..... More

                   Web of Science 2  Crossref 1
Size Dependency of a ZnO Nanorod-Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Evaluated by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
전도식 원자현미경을 이용한 ZnO 나노로드 기반 압전 나노발전기의 사이즈 의존성 평가
Yijun Yang, Kwanlae Kim
양이준, 김관래
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):67-75.   Published online 2020 Jan 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.1.67

ZnO nanorods are one of the most studied materials because it can be facilely grown on a wide range of substrates at low temperature. ZnO exhibits piezoelectricity as well as semiconducting properties, and hence is applicable to piezoelectric nanogenerators and sensors. In the present work, the effect of ZnO nanorods’..... More

                   Web of Science 8  Crossref 6
Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of ZnO/Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub> Tri-Layer Films
Su-Hyeon Choe, Yu-Sung Kim, Jin-Young Choi, Yun-Je Park, Byung-Chul Cha, Young-Min Kong, Daeil Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(8):506-509.   Published online 2019 Aug 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.8.506

ZnO 50 nm/Ag 10 nm/SnO2 50 nm (ZAS) tri-layer films were deposited on a glass substrate by RF and DC magnetron sputtering and then underwent rapid thermal annealing in a low vacuum of 1×10-3 Torr to investigate the effects of post-deposition annealing on the optical and electrical properties of the..... More

                   Web of Science 5  Crossref 4
Properties of Perovskite Solar Cells with GO Addition on TiO<sub>2</sub> Layer
TiO2의 GO 혼합 양에 따른 페로브스카이트 태양전지의 물성 연구
Hyeryeong Lee, Kwangbae Kim, Ohsung Song
이혜령, 김광배, 송오성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(7):456-461.   Published online 2019 Jun 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.7.456

The photovoltaic properties of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) were investigated by adding graphene oxide (GO) to the electron transport layer of TiO2. The PSCs were fabricated with a glass/FTO/BL-TiO2/meso-TiO2 + GO/perovskite/HTL/Au electrode structure by adding various contents of GO (0.0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 wt%) to the TiO2 layer. To..... More

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Enhancement of the Opto-Electrical Properties of Ag Intermediate ZTO Films by Vacuum Annealing
Hyun-Joo Moon, Daeil Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):209-212.   Published online 2017 Mar 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.3.209

Sn-doped ZnO (ZTO)/Ag/ZTO tri-layer films were deposited on glass substrates by radio frequency (RF) and direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering and then vacuum annealed at 100, 200 and 300 ℃ for 30 min with a proportions of H2/N2 gas flow of 6/6 sccm, to investigate the effects of annealing temperature..... More

Electronic Materials
Enhanced Optical and Electrical Properties of TiO<sub>2</sub> Buffered IGZO/TiO<sub>2</sub> Bi-Layered Films
Hyun-Joo Moon, Daeil Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2016;54(8):605-608.   Published online 2016 Aug 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2016.54.8.605

In and Ga doped ZnO (IGZO, 100-nm thick) thin films were deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering without intentional substrate heating on a bare glass substrate and a TiO2-deposited glass substrate to determine the effect of the thickness of a thin TiO2 buffer layer on the structural, optical, and electrical..... More

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