TiC-SKD11 함침 복합재의 온도에 따른 인장 특성과 파괴거동 변화 |
오누리1, 이상관2, 조승찬2, 조일국2, 황금철3, 김대하3, 조영태4, 서동우5, 홍현욱1,* |
1창원대학교 신소재공학부 2재료연구소 복합재료연구본부 3대화알로이테크 기술연구소 4창원대학교 기계공학부 5포항공과대학교 철강대학원 |
Temperature Dependency of the Tensile Characteristics and Transition of Fracture Behaviors in a Novel Infiltrated TiC-SKD11 Composites |
Nu-Ri Oh1, Sang-Kwan Lee2, Seung-Chan Cho2, Il-Guk Jo2, Keum-Cheol Hwang3, Dae-Ha Kim3, Young-Tae Cho4, Dong-Woo Suh5, Hyun-Uk Hong1,* |
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of Korea 2Composites Research Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon 51508, Republic of Korea 3Daewha Alloytech, Dangjin 18541, Republic of Korea 4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of Korea 5Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Gyeongbuk 37673, Republic of Korea |
Received: 10 June 2016; Accepted: 30 August 2016. Published online: 3 March 2017. |
A composite having 60 vol% of TiC particles was successfully fabricated by the infiltration of molten SKD11 tool steel into a TiC preform. The density of this composite was achieved to be 25% lighter than conventional steels. The penetration of the liquid metal reached geometrically complex regions without any interfacial flaws. The interface between the TiC and steel was semi-coherent nature and had a specific orientation relationship, i.e., [111]α-Fe//[001]TiC,(11¯2)α-Fe//(220)TiC. Tensile tests were conducted at 25, 700, 750 and 800 ℃. The composite exhibited the enhanced strength compared with the unreinforced SKD11, and its reinforcement was most effective at 800 ℃. The TiC particles were fractured preferentially along the {100} cleavage plane, which was responsible for the main fracture of the composite. However, at and above 750 ℃ debonding of the TiC interface began to occur. The tensile fracture and strengthening mechanisms are discussed in terms of the TiC/ matrix interface and dislocations. |
composites, infiltration, interfaces, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), tensile test |